Creations for your highest evolution.

Align with your sacred, wise, natural self.

Embodiment Boxes & Rollers

Malas & Bracelets

Experiences & Events

The butterfly is a marvelous demonstration of the power of trust & vulnerability in the miracle of metamorphosis. 

After all, what is a butterfly if not the flowering of a caterpillar beyond its wildest dreams? 

Emerging from the womb of the chrysalis, the butterfly discards its restrictive silk and shell, to inherit a magical new world of flowers, breezes & sunshine. A world of freedom & delight & a celebration of its divine nature. 

Spreading her wings for the first time, she has no idea whether she can fly, she simply opens her wings in perfect confidence & is effortlessly conveyed into the spiral dance of graceful flight. 

And all that remains is the joyous participation in the divine ecstasy of creation.

As you turn your light inward & witness your true nature, the birthing of a new wo/man, utterly discontinuous from the past; released, transformed, metamorphosed into a multidimensional being; conscious, Whole & FREE.

– Metamorphosis by Darpan –

Guiding you back to yourself…

Hey there, welcome! All we do at CC is from the idea that everything outside of us can be found within, and when we go within, we can drastically shift our world. The tools, services, and events here are created to help bring awareness to all your parts, take responsibility for, love and integrate them, and operate from a higher frequency for greater flow and ease to experience more of your life from the realm of magic and miracles. So look around, get in touch, grab your transformative tools, book a service, join an event, and be free to be the whole, magnificent being of love you were created to be! Thanks for stopping by…

Services + Collaborations

Book a service or let’s collaborate… book me to speak, teach, guide a session for a group, corporate event, or retreat!

All we have to be, is true to who we have discovered ourselves to really be.

At Chrysalis Collaborative, we create one-of-a-kind high frequency tools, resources, experiences, events and community to support alignment to your truest self, greatest expansion, and highest potential for this lifetime. We’re a community of sovereign creators of the new world, living their truth and values, showing up in their unique path and purpose, operating in integrity and aligned principles of universal/natural law.

Shared experiences, wisdom, and energy create a tapestry that fosters spiritual growth.

The strength of our community becomes the catalyst for profound spiritual awakening and a harmonious, balanced life. Together, we illuminate the path to holistic well-being and embrace the power of community in nurturing the soul.

In this sacred space, we recognize that true well-being encompasses the interconnected realms of mind, body, and spirit. The Chrysalis Collaborative community serves as a supportive foundation for those seeking a profound and enriching journey.

For the Young Living Community

Inspired by Gary’s vision of oils in every home, I’ve created tools and resources for the Young Living community to help bring that vision into reality. Each creation first played a significant role in my own life and mission to connect mind, body and spirit, fully activate wellness, purpose, and abundance in service to God/Creator, the earth and all who inhabit it. My hope and prayer is that every being is restored to their wholeness and with boldness, confidence, enthusiasm and love get to fully live their highest potential and greatest mission here and now.